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Black and White Samalamig


  • 2 gulaman bars
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup CARNATION Evaporated
  • 3 tablespoon NESCAFE Classic
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon banana essence
  • Shaved ice
  1. Cook gulaman in boiling water and sugar until dissolved.
  2. Divide into two portions, add milk to one half and coffee to the other half.
  3. Pour into 2 square molds. Refrigerate until set.
  4. Make syrup by boiling water and sugar.
  5. Remove from heat add 2 cups ice cold water.
  6. Flavor with banana essence (or brandy)
  7. Cut gulaman into cubes; stir into syrup and add shaved ice.
  8. Serve in tall glass.


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